Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Useful Idiot Sean Penn

So this guy, who is paid great sums of money to pretend to be other people, goes on national TV and praises Hugo Chavez and disses Fox News and Pat Roberston.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Why Evolution is a Fraud -- Essential Read

It only took 8 chapters and 162 pages for Tom Sutcliff to change my view on this subject.

Abortion, euthanasia and evolution are the three parts of the leftist, live-devaluing paradigm that all conservatives need to reject. The book is amazingly easy to read and non technical. Sutcliff concisely and abundantly makes the case that the molecules to man theory is based on faith, not science.
Available at Amazon, B&N, Borders and publisher's website