Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Forced Unionization Under Obama Presidency

The misnamed EFCA will kill jobs and small businesses.
January 7, 2008
Employee Free Choice Act Would Disenfranchise 105 Million Workers
by James Sherk
WebMemo #1768

In the presidential primaries, Americans vote in secret ballot elections for who they want to be the Democratic and Republican nominees. Voters can publicly urge their friends, neighbors, and co-workers to support their favored candidate; but on Election Day, they cast votes in private. American workers decide whether to join a union by the same method.
However, Congress is now considering a little-known bill that would strip millions of workers of this fundamental right.

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) would disenfranchise 105 million American workers. For union organizing elections, the legislation would replace the secret ballot with a system of "card checks," where union organizers pressure workers to publicly sign a card stating they want to join a union. Workers would never have the option of voting against union membership, and millions of workers could be forced into a union without ever getting the chance to vote on the matter. Congress should preserve a worker’s right to vote in privacy on union membership.

The Right to Vote in Privacy
A fundamental principle of American democracy is that votes are private choices. Secret ballot elections ensure that voters can choose the candidate who truly represents them, not the candidate whom their friends or neighbors want them to support. Millions of Americans cherish this freedom, but many Members of Congress want to take it from American workers.
For more than 60 years, American workers have decided whether to form a union with a private vote. When enough workers at a company sign union authorization cards, the government supervises a secret ballot election. Workers vote "yes" or "no" on union membership. If a majority of workers vote "yes," a union is formed, but neither management nor union organizers know how each individual worker voted. The secret ballot lets workers vote their conscience without risking job loss or physical assault for making the "wrong" choice.
Employee "Free Choice" Act Strips Workers’ Rights

The EFCA would make it easier for union officials to pressure workers. Under the card-check process, union organizers would publicly solicit signatures on union authorization cards. After a majority of workers at a company sign the cards, the union becomes the bargaining representative of all the workers at the company.

Without secret ballots, union organizers know exactly who has signed union cards and who has not. In the past, union organizers have repeatedly approached and pressured—and, in some cases, threatened—reluctant workers.[1] They have also used pro-union co-workers to solicit signatures, putting peer pressure on "holdouts" to change their minds.

The card-check process also denies workers the right to vote "yes" or "no" on joining a union. Workers can only vote "yes" by signing the card. Not signing a card simply means "not yet." Organizers are free to return again and again until they get the result they want. That is not voting, which by definition is a choice between two or more options.

Even the limited freedom of saying "not yet" would be denied to some workers. Under card check, all workers in a company must join the union after organizers collect cards signed by a majority, even if some of those workers did not know about the organizing drive and were never asked to sign a card. A worker has a right to express his or her views with a ballot, even if that vote does not change the results of the election. Card check takes that right away.

Disenfranchising 105 Million Workers

The EFCA applies only to workers covered by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which does not cover government employees, agricultural workers, the self-employed, or railway or airline workers. The Act also excludes supervisors. Still, the EFCA would disenfranchise 105 million American workers, which encompasses more than two-thirds, or 68.8 percent, of the American workforce.

Politicians Against Voting

Every major Democratic presidential candidate wants to end secret ballots for union organizing elections. Senator Hillary Clinton (D–NY) and Senator Barrack Obama (D–IL) voted for the bill, while former Senator John Edwards co-sponsored the EFCA during his time in the Senate.
Under the EFCA, millions of workers in key primary states would lose the right to a private vote on joining a union. The act would disenfranchise:
508,497 workers in New Hampshire;
1,540,440 workers in South Carolina;
3,606,930 workers in Michigan; and
6,652,444 workers in Florida.
Even as they campaign to win a secret ballot election, many presidential candidates would take the right to vote away from American workers.

Few Americans are aware that many leading presidential candidates want to take away their right to vote privately on joining a union. The little-known and misnamed Employee Free Choice Act would disenfranchise 105 million American workers by replacing secret ballots for union organizing elections with the card check system. This process would expose workers to union pressure and intimidation, while denying them the option of voting "no" on union representation. The President and Members of Congress are elected by secret ballots. Congress should reject any effort to deny workers the right to vote.

James Sherk is Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation.

Karl Marx Would Be Proud

Communists Love Obama!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nazi Collaborator Funds Democrats on Abortion


This guy admitted in a 60-minutes interview that he (of Jewish ancestry) helped the Nazis and used them to save this own skin. No surprise that the billionaire money changer is trying to rig the election in favor of the socialist party.

Billionaire investor George Soros is bankrolling liberal Catholic groups that support abortion.

An investigation by the New York-based Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights finds that George Soros' Open Society Institute gave Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good $50,000 in 2005 and $100,000 in 2006. Catholic League president Bill Donohue suspects that Soros may also be funding the group Catholics United, an organization with which Catholics in Alliance has a formal relationship. Donahue contends both groups are "in the pocket of the Democratic Party" and are trying to sell Catholics the notion that they can be opponents of abortion and not seek to overturn Roe v. Wade if they support minimum wage and more welfare benefits.

"George Soros, who's basically an anti-American, far left-wing, pro-abortion, anti-Semite, anti-Catholic, is funding the Catholic left. Now, if the Catholic League were getting money from an anti-American, far right-wing, pro-abortion, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic source, we'd be out of business in a New York minute," Donahue says. "By the way, George Soros lavishly funds Catholics for Choice, previously called Catholics for a Free Choice." Donohue suggests Soros is attempting to make respectable the idea that one can be Catholic and promote abortion. However, Donohue notes Pope Benedict XVI has said some issues for Catholics are non-negotiable -- including abortion

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spread the Word

Unless you want a Socialist, gun-grabbing, military-hating liberal as your next president, I urge you to spread the word on these news forums:






http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dl ... egory=NEWS

http://www.topix.com/forum/news/2008-pr ... l-election


Obama's Gun Grabbing Record

While he believes the Constitution allows for abortions, he does not believe that the 2nd Amendment allows us to keep and bear arms.

Many thanks to the e-mailer who sent this to me.

The following is a matter of public record with sources cited from various sources including ABC, CBS, and BarackObama.comFACT: Barack Obama opposes four of the five Supreme Court justices who affirmed an individual right to keep and bear arms. He voted against the confirmation of Alito and Roberts and he has stated he would not have appointed Thomas or Scalia.17

FACT: Barack Obama voted for an Illinois State Senate bill to ban and confiscate "assault weapons," but the bill was so poorly crafted, it would have also banned most semi-auto and single and double barrel shotguns commonly used by sportsmen.18

FACT: Barack Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.1 FACT: Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.15

FACT: Barack Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.3 FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a 500% increase in the federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition.9

FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.2

FACT: Barack Obama supports local gun bans in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and other cities.4

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.5

FACT: Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration.6

FACT: Barack Obama refused to sign a friend-of-the-court Brief in support of individual Second Amendment rights in the Heller case.

FACT: Barack Obama opposes Right to Carry laws.7

FACT: Barack Obama was a member of the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the leading source of funds for anti-gun organizations and "research."8

FACT: Barack Obama supported a proposal to ban gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park, which would eliminate almost every gun store in America.9

FACT: Barack Obama voted not to notify gun owners when the state of Illinois did records searches on them.10

FACT: Barack Obama voted against a measure to lower the Firearms Owners Identification card age minimum from 21 to 18, a measure designed to assist young people in the military.11

FACT: Barack Obama favors a ban on standard capacity magazines.12

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory micro-stamping.13

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory waiting periods.2

FACT: Barack Obama supports repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment, which prohibits information on gun traces collected by the BATFE from being used in reckless lawsuits against firearm dealers and manufacturers.14

FACT: Barack Obama supports one-gun-a-month handgun purchase restrictions.16

FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on inexpensive handguns.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on the resale of police issued firearms, even if the money is going to police departments for replacement equipment.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory firearm training requirements for all gun owners and a ban on gun ownership for persons under the age of 21.9 1. United States Senate, S. 397, vote number 219, July 29, 2005. (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/ro... 2.

Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization general candidate questionnaire, Sept. 9, 1996. The responses on this survey were described in "Obama had greater role on liberal survey," Politico, March 31, 2008. (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/030... 3. United States Senate, S. 397, vote number 217, Kennedy amendment July 29, 2005.

(www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_cal... 4. David Wright, Ursula Fahy and Sunlen Miller, "Obama: 'Common Sense Regulation' On Gun Owners' Rights," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, http://blogs.abcnews.com, 2/15/08. (blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/0... 5. Illinois Senate, SB 2165, March 25, 2004, vote 20 and May 25, 2004, vote 3. 6. "Fact Check: No News In Obama's Consistent Record." Obama '08, December 11, 2007.

(http://www.barackobama.com/factcheck/200... 7. "Candidates' gun control positions may figure in Pa. vote," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Wednesday, April 2, 2008, and "Keyes, Obama Are Far Apart On Guns," Chicago Tribune, 9/15/04.

(http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbur... 8. 1998 Joyce Foundation Annual Report, p. 7. 9. "Obama and Gun Control," The Volokh Conspiracy, taken from the Chicago Defender, Dec. 13, 1999. (www.volokh.com/posts/1203389334.shtml) 10. Illinois Senate, May 5, 2002, SB 1936 Con., vote 26. 11. Illinois Senate, March 25, 2003, SB 2163, vote 18. 12. "Clinton, Edwards, Obama on gun control," Radio Iowa, Sunday, April 2

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homosexual Indoctrination at the Public Schools

If the Democrats win, this video will seem like, pardon the pun, child's play.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Excellent Slide Show

Did you know that Mohamed Atta, the 9/11 ring leader, had a valid Florida driver’s license? Did you know 13 of the 19 hijackers had obtained valid driver’s licenses? Armed with these licenses, eight of the hijackers even registered to vote! Here is the shocking fact: Barack Hussein Obama strongly supports giving illegal aliens in America driver’s licenses. He said as much during two Democratic debates earlier this year. The head of Homeland Security said such thinking was dangerous for national security. Even Hillary Clinton backed away from Obama’s radical driver’s license plan. Obama’s position is not a new one: It has been discovered that Obama has been a major proponent of driver’s licenses for illegals since his days as an Illinois state senator. We have no doubt that, as president, Obama will also champion this radical plan.

Wake up America before it is too late!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Joe Biden Spills the Beans!

The Obamasiah fails the test when Russia invades Georgia. McCain aces it. J

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

Here's a breakdown of the past tests and how past US Presidents fared:

1993 World Trade Center Bombing...Bill Clinton...failed

1993 Black Hawk Down...Bill Clinton...failed

1996 Khobar Towers Bombing...Bill Clinton...failed

1996 US Embassies bombed in Kenya...Bill Clinton...failed

2000 USS Cole bombed at port of Aden, Yemen...Bill Clinton...failed

2001 Nearly 3,000 dead because of 9/11 attacks...George Bush... ACED!

Even with all of these failings, Bill Clinton was more of a centrist who knew when to move with the political winds. Barack Obama, just like Hillary Clinton, is a Saul Alinsky-trained socialist who is far to the left.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe the Plumber -- Hero!

This is how the democrat party treats the middle class! A regular guy dares to ask a question of 'the Obamasiah' and he's trashed by the lapdogs in the Obamamedia.

Glad to see that he's fighting back.


Palin Rocks on Saturday Night Live


I give SNL and NBC a lot of credit for having Palin on. Funny stuff.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Biden's 3-letter word: J O B S

Folks, ya just can't make this stuff up!

This site Rocks!!


I can just hear the Soviet national anthem playing, comrade, as I wait five years to have my appendix taken out by Dear Leader's state-run health care system.

Rev. US of KKK-A

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jesse Jackson Talks About the Jooooooos

Obama's Thugocracy by Michael Barone


"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors," Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. "I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face." Actually, Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people's faces. They seem determined to shut people up.

That's what Obama supporters, alerted by campaign e-mails, did when conservative Stanley Kurtz appeared on Milt Rosenberg's WGN radio program in Chicago. Mr. Kurtz had been researching Mr. Obama's relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers in Chicago Annenberg Challenge papers in the Richard J. Daley Library in Chicago - papers that were closed off to him for some days, apparently at the behest of Obama supporters.
Obama fans jammed WGN's phone lines and sent in hundreds of protest e-mails. The message was clear to anyone who would follow Mr. Rosenberg's example. We will make trouble for you if you let anyone make the case against The One.

Other Obama supporters have threatened critics with criminal prosecution. In September, St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce warned citizens that they would bring criminal libel prosecutions against anyone who made statements against Mr. Obama that were "false." I had been under the impression that the Alien and Sedition Acts had gone out of existence in 1801-'02. Not so, apparently, in metropolitan St. Louis. Similarly, the Obama campaign called for a criminal investigation of the American Issues Project when it ran ads highlighting Mr. Obama's ties to Mr. Ayers.

These attempts to shut down political speech have become routine for liberals. Congressional Democrats sought to reimpose the "fairness doctrine" on broadcasters, which until it was repealed in the 1980s required equal time for different points of view. The motive was plain: to shut down the one conservative-leaning communications medium, talk radio. Liberal talk-show hosts have mostly failed to draw audiences, and many liberals can't abide having citizens hear contrary views.

To their credit, some liberal old-timers - like House Appropriations Chairman David Obey - voted against the "fairness doctrine," in line with their longstanding support of free speech. But you can expect the "fairness doctrine" to get another vote if Barack Obama wins and Democrats increase their congressional majorities.

Corporate liberals have done their share in shutting down anti-liberal speech, too. "Saturday Night Live" ran a spoof of the financial crisis that skewered Democrats like House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank and liberal contributors Herbert and Marion Sandler, who sold toxic-waste-filled Golden West to Wachovia Bank for $24 billion. Kind of surprising, but not for long. The tape of the broadcast disappeared from NBC's Web site and was replaced with another that omitted the references to Mr. Frank and the Sandlers. Evidently NBC and its parent, General Electric, don't want people to hear speech that attacks liberals.

Then there's the Democrats' "card check" legislation that would abolish secret ballot elections in determining whether employees are represented by unions. The unions' strategy is obvious: Send a few thugs over to employees' homes - we know where you live - and get them to sign cards that will trigger a union victory without giving employers a chance to be heard.
Once upon a time, liberals prided themselves, with considerable reason, as the staunchest defenders of free speech. Union organizers in the 1930s and 1940s made the case that they should have access to employees to speak freely to them, and union leaders like George Meany and Walter Reuther were ardent defenders of the First Amendment.

Today's liberals seem to be taking their marching orders from other quarters. Specifically, from the college and university campuses where administrators, armed with speech codes, have for years been disciplining and subjecting to sensitivity training any students who dare to utter thoughts that liberals find offensive. The campuses that once prided themselves as zones of free expression are now the least free part of our society.

Obama supporters who found the campuses congenial and Mr. Obama himself, who has chosen to live all his adult life in university communities, seem to find it entirely natural to suppress speech they don't like and seem utterly oblivious to claims this violates the letter and spirit of the First Amendment. In this campaign, we have seen the coming of the Obama thugocracy, suppressing free speech, and we may see its flourishing in the four or eight years ahead.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Must Read: Stealing Elections by John Fund

Wall Street Journal Reporter John Fund reveals what's going on and why it must be stopped.

Friday, October 10, 2008

SlideShow Explains Mortgage Mess

When are Dodd, Schumer and Frank going to be forced to testify under oath?


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Michelle plays wiffle ball by appearing on Larry King live tonight. Gee, maybe Larry's ratings will move up from last to second to last?

Voter Fraud Chickens Coming Home to Roost

ACORN nuts arrested in Las Vegas voter fraud case. Gee, who do you think they want to put in the White House?



Tuesday, October 7, 2008